Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuning for idleness -- Server Consolidation

Over the years, WebSphere has come to leverage server whitespace to keep our runtime hot to service the next new request as fast as possible. This has served us well in the past as our performance metrics have demonstrated over the years.

With the transition of workloads from dedicated server footprints to big machines which are logically partitioned or hosting hundreds of virtual guests, idle times in one guest or JVM may not necessarily translate to low-utilization of the entire platform. A typical development machine hosting hundreds of developer's guests may have many guests active, but idle. It is important that the idling machines impact overall system performance minimally.

We've written a whitepaper which focuses on how to configure WebSphere V7 to minimize idle-time processing available here. We hope you find the paper informative and helps you reduce the load of idling WebSpheres in your environment.

Steve Kinder


Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the white paper. Just quick question:
what would be simplest way to disable JSP reloading options for the web module. I was trying to set custom property com.ibm.websphere.management.application.client.jspReloadEnabled to false on the dmgr JVM, but web modules are still deployed with the "JSP reload" enabled.


Steve Kinder said...

Hi Anon Y. Mous

The best practice as documented in the V7 Infocenter is: Use an assembly tool, such as Rational Application Developer, to modify IBM extension and binding files. You can convert extension and binding files within modules from XMI to XML using the IBM Bindings and Extensions Conversion Tool for Multi-Platforms.

In otherwords, update in your WEB-INF director, either the ibm-web-ext.xmi or the ibm-web-ext.xml file and specify reload policy.