Saturday, March 19, 2011

WebSphere Application Server v8.0 Beta, March refresh

IBM have released a WAS v8.0 Beta refresh which includes some great new OSGi Applications functionality, including: In-place application update, a feature that allows administrators to manage and migrate their OSGi bundles at runtime, without application restart. Application extensions allow administrators to extend their applications at runtime with a Composite Bundle Archive (CBA), again with no application restart. There are also performance monitoring, security, session management, servlet 3.0 support for OSGi applications/components.

For more information on OSGi in the Beta, why not check out this short video on the Enterprise OSGi YouTube channel.

To download the WAS v8.0 Beta and get playing with all the new features, visit the download site here ->


Anonymous said...

Any idea/clue/guess when the production-ready release of WAS 8 is going to happen?

Steve Kinder said...

Ask after Impact 2011.