Friday, October 8, 2010

New: WebSphere Batch Feature Pack !

Announcing IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 Feature Pack for Modern Batch !

This new feature pack provides support for a Java Batch programming model, offers tools and operational controls for Batch workload execution, enables development and deployment of batch applications, and allows concurrent execution of batch and OLTP workloads.

The Batch Feature Pack is targeted toward developers and basic production deployment. It delivers a subset of the functionality of IBM WebSphere Extended Deployment Compute Grid. Batch applications built using the feature pack are fully upward compatible with the Compute Grid environment.

The Compute Grid product offers advanced features, including support for parallel processing, workload scheduler integration, usage accounting, and more. You can start with the Feature Pack (FeP) for Modern Batch and grow it into a full Compute Grid environment. The Batch Deployment Options Chart outlines the functional continuum among these offerings.