Monday, May 3, 2010

New CEA demo videos..

Here are some more demos of the WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for Communications Enabled Applications (CEA). We'll be using some of these in the IBM Impact 2010 sessions that I referenced here

The first one is doing some of the contact center widgets (like click to call then cobrowsing) on the iPhone:

Here is the coshopping between a user on an iPhone and a Desktop:

The next is a shorter and HD version of our JavaScript widget walk through:


Mark Chen said...

Hi Erik,

It's a very good show. I'm trying implement a 3rd party web serivce provider as recommended in IBM REDP-4613-00 Chapter 7.1 - Call flow example step 6: 6. The external Web service sends device events to CEA.
WS-Notification is used for event notification.

There is no more information how to publish the devive event such as Topic, Topic prefix, etc. It would be greatly appreciated if you could point me the right direction or person.

Thanks in Advance!
